Explore Groups
Explore Groups are small groups of six to twelve people who come together weekly to build friendships, grow in our understanding, and walk with God.
We have created a curriculum especially for you.
Discussion Curriculum
We have designed a four-year curriculum that will help you grow in your understanding of how to live in a relationship with God. However, we do not hold rigidly to the curriculum. If there is a random topic that is important to the group as a whole, we will often set the curriculum aside for a week or two to address that issue.
This curriculum is available to churches, ministries, and individuals for use free of charge. It is being used all over the world in multiple languages.
1. Building community within the group
2. Exploring God’s Word for practical truths that change lives
3. Strategizing how we can best show Christ’s love and truth to those around us
2. Exploring God’s Word for practical truths that change lives
3. Strategizing how we can best show Christ’s love and truth to those around us
Contact the church to find an Explore Group near you!